That was what my ex-boss told me after ten years working for the company, being the technical manager and getting paid “whatever it takes by category”, you know what I mean…
Well, “…you’re going to find out”, I thought
That was my motivation, to show that I was worth it and that I could do much more. This is how ADG industrial 2008 was born.
I would have liked another name, but it was the only one that accepted my registration…
And after fifteen years…
My former boss’s company closed.
I ruined myself twice.
I recovered and learned my lesson.
I reinvented myself. I have shown more than enough, that I am worth a lot…
I am no longer the same person as when I started, if you want personal growth: become an entrepreneur…
all agree
I have the facility to repair machines, I am very good at it.
The typical “I’m an electrician and the fault is mechanical, I can’t do anything” and then the mechanic comes and says “the mechanics are fine, it’s an electrical fault”, but I have stopped production!!!!
I believe that the machine must be understood in its entirety, and for this reason we know mechanics, electricity, electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics and 25 years of fighting with them.
My favorites: compressed air compressors, machine tools, PLCs and electric generators
I like things well done
There are machines that are wonderful, you maintain them and they do not cause problems, and yet they do not have the Marketing they deserve. On the other hand, there are many that the best thing they have is the brochure and the stickers.
How to differentiate a good machine from another not so good?
It is not seen with the price, nor with the brand, nor is it in its characteristics.
It is a subtle set of the use that you are going to give it and all these characteristics of the machine.
My clients already know me, they know that if I tell them this model, it’s for a reason.
Let yourself be advised by a true expert. The others will sell you the brand they distribute.
I don’t.
For example, I distribute several brands of compressors, and I only sell certain models of each one.
Because ? Is it easier to have a single brand and that’s it?
Because I like things well done.
I’m Antonio Diaz,
CEO of ADG Industrial 2008,
And I’m here to fix some of your machine problems.

Request Information
Carretera Manacor, km 20.1
07210 Algaida
Islas Baleares, España
Monday to Thursday 8:00 – 18:00
Friday 8:00 – 13:00